Grandma Gertie always said there's not a savory dish that can't be made tastier by just a touch of tarragon.

Tsunami and Me

Tsunami and Me
too big to escape now....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Getting My Irish Up

I wish I were in Seal Beach, CA, today. It's not that I don't love seeing the crocus emerge this sumptious early country spring. But today's St. Paddy's Day, and I'm far from a Celtic bar where I could hear Chieftains wannabes and hoist a mug of green beer. It's been a long time since I visited The Irisher on March 17, then strolled out on the Seal Beach pier. But that's where I'd be today if I could just teleport myself somehow.

Since I lack that magical power, I'm making do with a corned beef in the crockpot and a new recipe for fried cabbage.

I'm finished with a grant review that's taken up much of the past week, and will drive to town to Fed Ex the forms back to D.C. Then for the next couple of days I'll get some personal writing done, with Chicken Soup for the Soul in Mind.

Grandmothers (Kendra's Christening)
Young at Heart (preparing for Cambridge summer school)
Positive Thinking (believe it or not...a tale about income tax preparation)

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