Thursday, January 1, 2015

Old Me, New Year

Rose Parade January 1 2015

I'm always a little sorry to see the festive Christmas decorations come down, signaling the close of the holiday season. But I cheer up when I realize I've got an entire new year to fill. Sure, I'll continue to meet a lot of challenges that come with advanced age, but right now I'm facing the year before me with high hopes for wonderful moments.

Writing plan for the new year: Submit for every possible anthology, both nonfiction AND fiction...and publish at least one short story. Develop a novel and begin it.

Diversions in 2015: Riverside Dickens Fest, tour of Italy (Florence, Venice, Rome, Milan), Dirty Dancing at the Segerstrom Center, and lots more to be added.

Physical fitness goal:: join the Wednesday morning water aerobics group at my new apartment complex

New interests: involvement with Orange County AAUW and RPCV groups and the Westminster Library book groups

My book list: Dickens' Little Dorrit, Henry James' The Princess Casamassima, John Berendt's The City of Fallen Angels, Meg Wolitzer's Belzhar, and book group selections.

Three hundred and sixty five whole days and nights? Sure, there's time enough, and time for many more surprises.

1 comment:

  1. Gads, reading your goals wore me out. You go for it, gal...I'm sure you'll succeed. :-)
