Friday, March 25, 2011

Chickery Chick... Cha La, Cha La (Maybe)

My story about my grandmother's funeral...a harrowing experience for me when I was fifteen, is a finalist to appear in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Just for Teenagers. Just writing "Pansies, Painted Ladies and Pink Polka Dots" made me remember how we can honor our loved ones and memorialize them, from planting pansies in their honor to writing stories that commemorate them. I'm so grateful that Chicken Soup has chosen to publish stories about more friends and relatives than I can shake a stick at. I'm not putting all my eggs in the Chicken basket, though. Today I dragged out three orphan chicks, brushed up their feathers, polished their beaks, and sent them out to peck on other publishers' doors.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Terri,

    I also received notification on March 25th that my story may appear in this book for Teens. I just wanted to wish you the best of luck. I hope we both make it! I, too, have been bombarding them with Find Your Happiness stories and I am previously published by Chicken Soup, so we shall see. :-) GOOD LUCK!!! I hope we get to read each other's stories in the book.

