Thursday, December 21, 2017

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?

Where I labored for $.60 an hour, '51-'52

 Aside from baby sitting and weeding flower beds in my early adolescence, I hadn't held a job until I went to work as a counter girl at Owl Drug Store, Slauson and Vermont, in September, 1951. A sophomore at Manual Arts High School, I'd turned 14 that summer...and fibbed about my age. In those days you needed a work permit for an actual salaried job. And you needed to be 16. Somehow I slipped through, relying on the forgetfulness of Lucky, my soda fountain boss.

Owl Drug logo
Edify Fiction, a new online "uniquely positive" literary journal, has published my story, "Sundae, Monday and Always," describing a holiday season I'll never forget. I owe it all to the Riddler.

Here's the link to my story.

Reading it might ignite for you memories of long-ago holiday celebrations, when adolescent girls mooned over the haunting question of "what are you doing New Year's, New Year's Eve?"

Here's my favorite version of that song, just in case you want to take a break from last-minute card-writing and shopping, and wallow in nostalgia. Nobody can equal the golden tone of Ella Fitzgerald.


Sunday, December 17, 2017

It's About Time...

It's about time I updated my blog, so here's a quick recap. This year I was published on a number of online websites, as well as in magazines.

Here's an early one, in an Australian publication:

Delighted to appear in an East Coast literary journal.Rediscover yesteryear. Poor Yorick: A Journal of Rediscovered Objects is an online literary publication of the Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative and Professional Writing at Western Connecticut State University. Here's my contribution.

In October, I reminisced about the days I lived in Arkansas for Arkansas Life Magazine:  

And earlier this month, I wrote about the Christmas I nearly missed Christmas for Sasee Magazine: